Rabu, 21 September 2016

Children and Money - The Family Budget

A family budget is a vital planning tool, especially when the state of the economy has many families watching their pennies. It helps all family members, including children, understand where cutbacks are necessary and what areas the family income is most needed. When a family uses a budget it makes paying back debt and saving for the future much easier.
While you may not necessarily want to inform your children about your credit-card debt, honesty and transparency are the best plan when creating a family budget. It is important that all family members are included in the process and at least let them know the general outlines of the family budget. Help to make your children money-aware early on by being money-smart yourselves. Children will develop these characteristics naturally by observation.

Family budgeting is one of the best ways to teach children about financial planning. Show your children approximately how much you make from your work and the total amount of all the bills to be paid. And even go over the concept of assets and liabilities with them. Let children have a say in where the money goes but make them aware of the spending limits of the family.
Develop an environment where your entire family is working together for one common financial goal. It makes a budget easier to put together. One way to do this is to have each family member create their own mini-budget. This way each member will understand how their spending may be affecting the big picture and the overall budget. It will be their responsibility to help find areas to cut back on so that this can be integrated into the overall family budget.
If your child has grown up to think money just magically appears out of the ATM machine let them budget their own allowance, letting them buy things they want from their own money. If they don't have enough they must save for it and perhaps run errands to earn extra cash. It won't be long before they learn the value of money -- a truly valuable lesson for any child and one that will remain into adulthood.
Completing a family budget is only part of the exercise in improving your financial situation. The remainder is following through. Make all the family accountable by making sure that it is being followed. Get together on a regular basis to discuss problems and how they can be resolved. Your children will feel important if you listen to them and let them make suggestions on making your family budget work best for all of you.

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